December 12, 1922

Over 1000 white people kill Arthur Young in Taylor County, Florida, days after burning Charles Wright to death; both Black men were accused of murder and lynched without trial.

December 11, 1917

Thirteen Black soldiers are executed after Houston, Texas, police beat and shoot Black troops, prompting 156 soldiers to revolt; in all, 19 are hanged and 50 sentenced to life in prison.

December 10, 2009

Police officers in Shenandoah, Pennsylvania, face federal charges for covering up murder of Mexican immigrant Luis Ramirez by white teens spewing racial slurs.

December 9, 2014

U.S. government releases report on CIA torture of Muslim detainees from 2001 to 2006, including force feeding, mock executions, physical and sexual violence, sleep deprivation, and water boarding.

December 8, 1977

Newspapers report this week that Cornell and Geraldine Cook, the only Black couple in a white neighborhood in Smithfield, North Carolina, plan to leave after shots are fired into their home.

December 7, 1874

After a formerly enslaved man is elected sheriff in Vicksburg, Mississippi, white people remove him and kill Black citizens who try to reinstate him; he is later shot in the head by a white deputy.

December 6, 1915

In Mackenzie v. Hare, U.S. Supreme Court upholds federal statute stripping women of their U.S. citizenship if they marry “foreigners.”

December 5, 1960

In Boynton v. Virginia, U.S. Supreme Court rules that racial segregation in interstate bus terminal restaurants is unconstitutional but segregation persists for several years due to lack of enforcement.

December 4, 1849

Massachusetts Supreme Court hears arguments in Roberts v. City of Boston and later rules that the city can mandate separate schools for Black and white children.

December 3, 1970

Cesar Chavez is jailed in Monterey County, California, after he refuses to follow a court order demanding that he call off a migrant farmworkers’ strike against a lettuce farm.