July 27, 1967

Detroit Uprising ends; sparked by complaints about police brutality and racial inequality. It left more than 1100 people injured, $40 million in damage, and 33 Black people and 10 white people dead.

July 26, 2016

First Lady Michelle Obama’s speech acknowledging “I wake up every morning in a house built by slaves” sparks backlash.

July 25, 1890

Marsh Cook, a white advocate for Black voting rights, is murdered in Jasper County, Mississippi, by white men who oppose his work. No one is arrested or prosecuted.

July 24, 1972

The Washington Star reports on Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, a U.S. Centers for Disease Control study conducted on poor Black Alabama sharecroppers.

July 23, 1910

White men in Montgomery, Alabama, avoids prosecution after killing Black taxi driver, Mitchell Johnson, who had him arrested for not paying his fare.

July 22, 1899

Moments before his trial is to begin, a white mob whips Frank Embree, a Black man, over 100 times and hangs him in front of more than 1,000 onlookers in Fayette, Missouri.

July 21, 2016

Days after shooting Black therapist Charles Kinsey and handcuffing him as he lay bleeding on the ground, police in North Miami, Florida, claim the officer was aiming for Dr. Kinsey’s unarmed autistic patient.

July 20, 2015

After discussing the need to protect the Confederate memorials, North Carolina’s House passes bill requiring legislative approval to remove historical monuments; the bill is signed into law days later.

July 19, 1919

After a Black man is accused of trying to rape a white woman is released, white mobs in Washington DC attack Black people, killing 40 and injuring 150 people over four days.

July 18, 1863

The 54th Massachusetts Infantry, the nation’s first all-African American regiment, leads an attack on Confederate troops at Fort Wagner, South Carolina.